Access six of Pantone’s® top-selling graphics tools in one compact, portable carrying case. Now compiled into the Essentials Guide Set, the Pantone Formula Guide, Color Bridge Guide Set, and CMYK Guide are available together in one affordable kit.
Easily browse, share, compare, and reference 7,617 market-driven spot, spot-to-process, and process colors, including 224 brand new graphics colors.
Everyone from professional designers to design students can use this essentials color guide to find color inspiration; communicate color; verify color accuracy; and translate spot colors to CMYK, HTML, or RGB. A protective, streamlined carrying case enables better collaboration with convenient, organized storage and easy access to six portable fan decks.
This is a "click and collect" product which you can pick up from the Helsinki showroom and avoid shipping costs. However, please note that the showroom is open by appointment only.